2023 Regional Congress – Program

CATSINaM Regional Congress 2023 - IN PROGRESS


CATSINaM acknowledges our core funding provider and supporter, DoHAC (Aust. Govt. Dep of Health & Aged Care).

Relax, unwind, make new connections, share experiences, and gain new knowledge and skills!

*Evaluations for each session will appear on each day for that day’s events.

Day 1 Tuesday 28th November 2023

LINMEN Workshop

Details of Panel Sessions, Workshop Sessions, and Professional Development Sessions.
Registration and Photography (Facial recognition)

The Congress will have EventPix using facial recognition to deliver photos of this event. You will register by just scaning a QR code and entering your details. You will be required to take a selfie to complete the process so that any photos you are identified in will be added to your private gallery to be accessed on your phone and ready to share on social media.

Dress Code and Meals Information for CATSINaM Conference
Merchandise:  full Merch List for the Congress 2023  on sale!
Registration and Photography (Facial recognition)

The Congress will have EventPix using facial recognition to deliver photos of this event. You will register by just scaning a QR code and entering your details. You will be required to take a selfie to complete the process so that any photos you are identified in will be added to your private gallery to be accessed on your phone and ready to share on social media.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images, videos, voices and names of people who have since passed away.