Policy and Advocacy

CATSINaM is the national peak body that represents, advocates, and supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives at a national level, including nurses and midwives working in the Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services sector. We are a membership driven organisation, governed by a membership elected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Board.

CATSINaM Pre-budget Submission 2024-25

CATSINaM made a submission to the Australian Government Treasury to secure funding for CATSINaM to expand our strategic activities to attracttrain and retain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives. The submission proposed investments to support the participation and career success of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in nursing and midwifery and for improving the cultural safety capability of all nurses and midwives.

Submission on the Australian Universities Accord Discussion Paper: February 2023

The CATSINaM Submission provides a myriad of strategies to address challenges and opportunities facing the Australian higher education sector. It highlights reform options most relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and midwifery students, academic workforce, curricula and research. CATSINaM’s overarching message is that Australian universities must invest in building better relations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, which involves being informed by and accountable to us regarding investment in our self-determination and nation-building. Our success in this space is bound to Australian universities ability to truly serve our communities.

CATSINaM Pre-Budget Submission 2023-24

Our 2023-24 Pre-Budget Submission details targeted, measurable and actionable workforce solutions to increase the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and midwifery workforces and to promote Cultural Safety in the practice of all nursing and midwifery. The Submission outlines significant challenges to meeting the health needs, rights and expectations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and presents ways forward to support the Australian Government’s goal of improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health.

New GENKE II Snapshots

The GENKE II Report was released in August 2022. GENKE II Snapshots summarise sections of the report. The Snapshots highlight key recommendations to strengthen the place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives across education and healthcare. Read and share the Snapshots here:

NMBA and CATSINaM joint statement on culturally safe care
Reference: Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia & Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (2018). NMBA and CATSINaM Joint statement on culturally safe care. NMBA. Accessed from Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia – NMBA and CATSINaM release joint statement on culturally safe care (nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images, videos, voices and names of people who have since passed away.