Newsletter January 2023

Newsletter January 2023


Presidents’ Message

 Welcome to the first CATSINaM Member Newsletter for 2023. I hope you, your families and your communities had time to enjoy the holiday break. I also wish to acknowledge our many members who could not take leave over the holidays but continued to provide essential health care and social services across the country during the peak of celebrations.

As we all settle into 2023, now is the perfect time to connect and share hopes, plans and opportunities for the year ahead to pursue our aim of working together to shape a future nursing and midwifery workforce and a healthcare system free of racism. Our journey with you begins with strengthening the CATSINaM Constitution and finalising our Strategic Plan. We also want to create new opportunities to strengthen the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing and midwifery workforce.

We look forward to working with you in 2023 to scale up our collective voice and rightful position within our professions.

Thank you.

Marni Tuala 
CATSINaM President

Acting CEO’s Message

Dear fellow CATSINaM members,

I hope you’ve all had a solid start to 2023! The CATSINaM team has been busy getting ready for yet another big year. Here are some of the significant activities that we are working on.

We are working with a few employers to support their clinical and academic nursing and midwifery staff interested in enrolling and completing the CATSINaM’s  Murra Mullangari: Introduction to Cultural Safety and Cultural Humility program . The next offering commences on Monday, 13 March 2023, with early bird registration open now. Please see our website for more information.

We are advancing the ‘gettin em n keepin em n growing em’ strategy (GENKE II) , launched at the 2022 CATSINaM National Conference, towards implementation with several key partners. This is a substantial piece of work spanning years, so our immediate focus is building a solid foundation. Specifically, we are developing a partnership approach that will ensure that CATSINaM maintains leadership of this agenda, which includes CATSINaM being able to hold our key partners to account to progress GENKE II.

We recently lodged our Pre-budget submission to the Australian Government Department of Treasury, recommending investment in actionable solutions to address problems described in GENKE II. Each year, the Australian Government Department of Treasury invites the public to make submissions to Government recommending where to direct national funds.

We have also been planning our first Leaders in Nursing and Midwifery Education Network (LINMEN) gathering in Perth from Tuesday, 7 to Wednesday, 8 February 2023. If you are a nurse educator, midwife educator, or academic and have missed our targeted promotion of this event, please contact us for further information at:

One of the core functions we hope to enhance this year is our policy and advocacy work. We are working towards creating opportunities for the broader CATSINaM membership to inform our national policy and advocacy work. So, if you are interested in informing national nursing, midwifery, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ health policy, please keep an eye out for EOIs to be involved.

We also continue to progress work contemporising our website and refining our organisational systems and processes to enable valuable engagement between the CATSINaM team and CATSINaM members. This is not an exhaustive list of our current activities but a brief showcase of some quality work that the deadly CATSINaM team is progressing.

All the best for 2023! We look forward to an exciting year working with CATSINaM members to achieve our shared vision and purpose.

Esoau, Thank you

Ali Drummond, Acting CEO

Events and Activities

CATSINaM 2022 Annual Report

We are pleased to share the Annual and Financial Reports for financial year July 2021 – June 2022.

Upcoming Event

LINMEN Workshop: 7th and 8th of February on the lands of the Whadjuk Nyoongar people. For more information email:

Posts from CATSINaM Members and Partners

Australian Stroke Alliance

Australia’s regional and remote communities are at a distinct disadvantage and those experiencing stroke have little chance of reaching hospital in time to receive time-critical brain scans and management. The Australian Stroke Alliance are keen to engage Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander nurses interested in acute stroke who can provide guidance, education and support to our sub-group to ensure all education is relevant, appropriate and culturally sensitive.

For more details, please get in touch with Kylie Fischer at:

Advance Your Career in Healthcare – Scholarship for Women.

Women & Leadership Australia has announced a new round of scholarships to enable more women in the health sector to undertake career-enhancing leadership development programs.

Partial scholarships of $1,000 to $5,000 will support participation in one of four courses designed for women in non-leadership roles through to senior leaders:

  • Women outside formal leadership roles can apply for a scholarship of $1,000 towards the Impact Program 
  • Early career and aspiring leaders can apply for a scholarship of $1,000 towards the Leading Edge Program
  • Mid-level managers can apply for a scholarship of $3,000 towards the Executive Ready Program
  • Senior and executive leaders can apply for a scholarship of $5,000 towards the Advanced Leadership Program

Apply by 17th March 2023, here.

We look forward to your feedback and queries. Please email us at: or follow our social media platforms.

Thank you 
CATSINaM Secretariat

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images, videos, voices and names of people who have since passed away.