Newsletter Nov-Dec 2023


November - December 2023

CATSINaM acknowledges our core funding provider and supporter, DoHAC

CATSINaM Secretariat Updates for Members

Message from the President, Kenton Winsley

Dear CATSINaM Members,

As we approach the joyous season of Christmas, I want to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes to all of you, the dedicated members of The Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM). Your unwavering support throughout the year has been the cornerstone of our shared mission to advance the well-being of Indigenous healthcare professionals.

This year, we have marked remarkable achievements, substantial growth, and a deepened commitment to our core values. Together, we have forged ahead in fostering leadership, advocating for cultural safety, and eliminating systemic racism in the healthcare sector. Your dedication to these principles has not only empowered our members but has also contributed significantly to the betterment of Indigenous communities across Australia.

As we reflect on the past year’s milestones, I am excited to share the promising pathways ahead in 2024. Building upon the strategic pillars of leadership and advocacy, workforce engagement and growth, and partnerships, we aim to further elevate our impact. The upcoming year holds opportunities for us to continue promoting culturally safe practice, actively engaging our members, and cultivating strong partnerships with crucial nursing, midwifery, and Indigenous health stakeholders.

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your pivotal role in this journey. Together, we will highlight the contributions and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives, leaving an indelible mark on the healthcare landscape.

Congratulations to Vanessa Browne on her election as Deputy President and Michelle Cutmore on her successful re-election to the board. Your dedication and leadership will undoubtedly contribute to the continued success of our organisation—a warm welcome to Racheal Walker and Sylvia Lockyer, the newest additions to our board. Your wealth of experience and unique perspectives are invaluable assets, and we look forward to the positive impact you will make on our collective efforts. I also want to thank Emma Shanahan for her commitment to the board. Emma’s dedication has played a crucial role in shaping the direction of our organisation, and we are truly thankful for her ongoing contributions.

Marni Tuala’s outstanding leadership as president over the past six years deserves special recognition. Marni’s dedication has been instrumental in the strength and growth of CATSINaM, particularly in fostering the development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives. Your tireless efforts, continuous passion, and inspiring leadership have significantly contributed to the empowerment and advancement of our community. I wish you continued success in all your endeavours.

As we embrace the spirit of unity and strength through caring, let us look forward to a year filled with purpose, collaboration, and meaningful progress. We wish you and your loved ones a joyous Christmas and a New Year filled with hope, prosperity, and continued success.

“In the sacred dance of healing, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives are the rhythmic heartbeats, weaving threads of cultural connection and spiritual wisdom. They illuminate the path to wellness through their care, harmonising cultural wisdom with a healing touch, creating a sacred melody that resonates through generations. In the spirit of ancient songs carrying stories of the land, they honour the ancient spirits, restoring harmony within and leaving an enduring legacy of compassionate care.” – Kenton Winsley RN, 2023


The Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM)

CATSINaM wishes to congratulate the CATSINaM Board for 2024.
The CATSINaM Board for 2024 are:
  • Kenton Winsley (President) – VIC
  • Vanessa Browne (Deputy President) – SA
  • Emma Shanahan – TAS
  • Michelle Cutmore – NSW
  • Sylvia Lockyer – WA
  • Rachael Walker – NT
  • Pictured: (L to R) Emma Shanahan, Kenton Winsley (President), Michelle Cutmore, Sylvia Lockyer, and Vanessa Browne (Deputy President). [Photo courtesy: EventPix]

    Words of thanks and farewell tributes to former President Marni Tuala.

    CATSINaM thanks former President Marni Tuala, her husband Joe, her family, and the community for Marni’s leadership, advice, and support since 2019. We wish Marni the very best for the journey ahead and we  look forward to her ongoing contributions as a CATSINaM member and mentor.

    Words from CATSINaM Elder, Aunty Doseena Fergie, OAM, RN, RM, PhD

    “Marni has been a tremendous leader… She has been a leader under immense change and adjustment…She is an extremely skilled midwife and a caring person, and that shows in her leadership qualities… In her leadership of CATSINaM, respecting our culture has been in the forefront of her mind and in dealing with people. I have seen CATSINAM grow under her leadership. Grow in terms of her partnership and collaboration with a number of national key figures. She has stood strong in needing constitutional change for CATSINaM, something we needed to progress over the years…I think Marni has bettered CATSINaM through her leadership…Marni is like a gum tree. A gum tree does not grow up straight. It has bumps and curves, and it is made that way because of the challenges. Marni has really been shaped into a very strong gum tree and along with her has come CATSINaM. We are not just pushovers, CATSINaM has matured into very strong advocates for our mob.

    So, Marni as you leave I know the future is going to be bright because you are such a positive person. You go back to country you go and ask your elders and you sit on country and allow country to nurture and refresh you. Continue to be a strong woman and a strong model in our society for our mob and for your family. Thank you for being a part of my life and my family’s life. God bless.”

    Message from CATSINaM CEO, Dr Ali Drummond 

    As we approach the close of 2023, I want to express my genuine gratitude for the incredible journey we’ve shared at CATSINaM this year. Together, we’ve reached remarkable milestones – our membership now stands at over 3000, and we’ve successfully modernised our Constitution. The launch of our next Strategic Plan is a testament to our collective growth.

    Despite the challenges we faced during the referendum campaign, where unsettling messages sought to dehumanise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, our CATSINaM community remained resilient. We not only weathered the storm, but also strengthened our leadership role, deepening relationships with key partners and advancing our legacy work.

    Our commitment to enhancing the membership experience remained unwavering. We introduced member-exclusive webinars, workshops, and hosted the Regional Congress 2023 on beautiful Bundjalung Country (Kingscliff)… what a deadly celebration of our successes!

    Improvements were made to many aspects of our organisation, including an incredible boost to our support team at and a major upgrade to our CATSINaM website. And, we are just at the beginning, with exciting times ahead as our newsletter readership continues to grow!

    I extend my sincere gratitude to all CATSINaM members for your dedication, especially during the challenging referendum campaign. With special thanks to those actively involved in our working groups, steering committees, and official meetings; your contributions are invaluable to CATSINaM’s growth.

    To the CATSINaM Board, your trust and support have been instrumental. A heartfelt acknowledgment to Marni Tuala, our recently retired President, for your steadfast dedication and compassion over the years. And now, as we look ahead, I anticipate connecting with many of you throughout the year, and at the CATSINaM National Conference in Walyalup, Fremantle WA, in October 2024.

    Finally, my thoughts are with our members and their families in Far North Queensland; support is available through the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangement and the Queensland Government Disaster support and recovery website.

    As we approach the festive season, I wish you and your mob a restful and rejuvenating break. Let’s embark on the 2024 journey together!

    Yarn soon, Ali

    CATSINaM Events and Activities

    CATSINaM Regional Congress 2023 – Overview
    Yabura bulahbu ngeh yabura bulah | Healing and Leadership equals strong Elders

    We firstly thank and acknowledge the traditional owners of Bundjalung Country for their welcome and blessings. [Photos courtesy: EventPix]

    From Monday the 27th to Thursday the 30th of October, CATSINaM members and allies travelled to Bundjalung Country in Kingscliff for the CATSINaM Regional Congress at Peppers on Salt Resort and Spa. Pre-congress events included:
  • On Monday night, a welcome dinner for CATSINaM students and the Board.
  • On Tuesday three concurrent sessions:
    • LINMEN workshop,
    • AICD Governance and Leadership workshop, and
    • ETMP Student Leadership workshop.
  • The official opening of the 2023 CATSINaM Regional Congress commenced on Tuesday afternoon with a welcome to country from the Gudjinburra dancers.

    This was followed by the launch of CATSINaM’s 2023 to 2028 Strategic Plan.

    From Wednesday to Thursday, the Congress showcased a mix of panel discussions, professional development training and workshops from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives. Keynote speakers included NSW Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer (CNMO) Jacqui Cross, Dr Zoe Tipa, Associate Professor Carmen Partner and Emeritus Professor Judy Aitkinson.

    Pictured: NSW CNMO Jacqui Cross [Photo courtesy: EventPix]

    Keynote speakers with CEO, Dr Ali Drummond at the Cultural Safety Panel. Pictured: (L to R): Emeritus Professor Judy Atkinson, Associate Professor Carmen Parter and Dr Zoe Tipa. [Photo courtesy: EventPix]

    The Congress also featured the virtual reality exhibition, In Our Own Right. 

    Pictured:  Virtual Reality Exhibition. [Photo courtesy: EventPix]

    CATSINaM also extends a note of appreciation to:
  • ACCOR Group: Peppers on Salt Resort and Spa and Mantra management and staff. Special thanks to Are, Julie, Emily, Jaylee, Ale and Jenna
  • Salt Bar and Grill – Grace
  • Master of Ceremonies – Col Usher
  • Solo artist – Birren
  • The Jacks Band
  • Birdland Films, Kerinne Jenkins and Nicole Hutton and Alethea Beetson,
  • EventPix, and
  • All the behind-the-scenes supporters and suppliers.
  • New Merchandise

    CATSINaM launched its new merch. Here is the link to the ordering list – Ordering list

    Pictured: (L): Upcycled laundry bag, new tote bags and new CATSINaM men and women’s t-shirts thanks to our partner, Avodah Global. [Photo courtesy: EventPix]

    Pictured: (R): Aunty Jane Jones wearing the new CATSINaM scarves. [Photo courtesy: EventPix]

    Pictured: New range of first aid kits, pens, maternity wheels and much more. [Photo courtesy: EventPix]

    2023 Congress Photos

    If you want, see more photos of the Regional Congress please visit our social media platforms on Facebook and Instagram.

    You can also access photos that were taken of you at the event by using the QR code on the right.

    Congress Evaluation 

    If you attended the Congress, please provide your feedback to help us better serve you at our future events. The evaluation links for the Overall Congress and the different sessions can be found at this link. 

    National Conference 2024

    Registrations for the National Conference in 2024 will open in the new year. Exhibition booths will be available at this event. Please register for our newsletter for more details.

    Constitutional Changes

    The CATSINaM AGM was held on Thursday the 30th of October. A summary of constitutional changes passed by the majority of members can be found at this link.

    Be in the draw to win a QANTAS domestic return airfare voucher from your registered home address.

    CATSINaM values your advice and support. We use this information to communicate updates and information to you and to help us improve our work at CATSINaM.

    We anticipate the survey will take up to 10 minutes. The information you provide will be securely stored and remain confidential.

    All completed surveys will be entered into a draw for a QANTAS domestic flight voucher for a return flight from your registered home address. The CATSINaM Members survey will close on Thursday, the 29th of February 2024. Please note that the voucher does not cover expenses such as airport transfers, seat upgrades, extra luggage, or inflight purchases.

    The CATSINaM Members survey will close on Thursday, the 29th of February 2024.

    Cultural Safety Education: Murra Mullangari: Introduction to Cultural Safety and Cultural Humility 

    The next offering will commence on 5th February 2024. Early Bird 20% Discount in now open until 28th Jan 2024

    Please note that any bulk purchases can happen anytime.

    Cultural Safety is pivotal to improving nursing and midwifery care in general and to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The aims of the program are shown below.

    Join us at the workshop for MENTORS  and MENTEES from the 19th to 20th of March 2024 in Cairns. 
    If you are interested in being a mentor or would like to be mentored, CATSINaM invites you to submit an expression of interest to attend the ‘Growing Deadly Families’ Mentorship Workshop. The mentorship workshop aims to:
    • Increase the mentor and mentee’s understanding of their role and responsibility.
    • Create a mentoring network.
    • Initiate the pairing of mentors and mentees for support and knowledge sharing.
    CATSINaM will cover the cost of travel, accommodation, and meals. To be eligible, you must be:
    • For Mentors
      • A CATSINaM ordinary member.
      • Willing to set aside time to mentor the mentee in 2024.
      • Available to travel to Cairns 19-21st of March 2024.
    • For Mentees
      • A CATSINaM student member
      • Currently enrolled and studying Midwifery, Child Health, and Perinatal Mental Health.
      • Living in Queensland.
      • Available to travel to Cairns 19-21st of March 2024.
    The mentoring workshop details are as follows:
  • Date: 20th March (arrive on the 19th)
  • Where: Cairns – Crystalbrook Flynn (Cairns)
  • Time: 8:30am – 5:00pm
  • Facilitator: Duane Vickory ETMP Perspectives – See LINK for bio
  • Places are limited. Please submit the EOI form by COB on the 19th of January 2024. If you have any queries, please get in touch with CATSINaM Senior Project Officer – Anthea Burns –
    From Our Regional Congress 2023 Sponsors
    Territories Stolen Generations Redress Branch, National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA)

    Sharing or reading this information might bring up difficult memories and feelings. There is 24/7 support available if you need help managing the emotional impacts of this information.

    Stolen Generations survivors who were removed as children from their families and or communities in the Northern Territory or the Australian Capital Territory (before self-government) or the Jervis Bay Territory, can now apply for redress.

    People can apply to the in their own time until 28 February 2026.

    The Scheme offers a redress payment of up to $75,000 and a healing assistance payment of $7,000.

    The Scheme also offers the opportunity for Stolen Generations survivors to have their story about the impact of their removal acknowledged by a senior government official, should they wish, and have it acknowledged in a written and/or face-to-face way.

    Applicants do not need to have records about their removal to apply but may wish to share any documentation.

    Free support services are available to help applicants throughout the application process—they can access these services even if they are just thinking about applying. The Scheme encourages applicants to contact these services to help them make a fully informed decision that best suits their personal situation.

    Support to submit applications is available through local Link Up services.

    Independent legal advice and financial counselling in relation to applications is available through knowmore Legal Service ( knowmore has culturally safe, trauma-informed assistance on 1800 566 966 or 1800KNOWMORE. They have male and female Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement Advisors available in all of their offices.

    If a member of the Stolen Generations passes away on or after the Scheme was announced on 5 August 2021 and they would have met the eligibility criteria, their family will be able to apply on their behalf.

    How to apply

    To apply for the Scheme, applicants can fill out an Application for redress form:

    • download a copy from
    • call the Scheme on 1800 566 111
    • Email the Scheme on
    • Write to the Scheme at Reply Paid 83394, Canberra ACT 2601
    • Visit your local Link Up service for a copy.

    To find out more about the Scheme, visit email or call 1800 566 111.   (Downloadable full article.)

    HESTA: Find support services outside of super with Ask Izzy
    HESTA have partnered with Infoxchange, the not-for-profit social enterprise behind Ask Izzy: a free service that helps Australians find and access local support services.

    If you need some help outside of super, the Ask Izzy website can connect you with nearby support services across Australia. You can search for over 430,000 services close to you, including financial assistance, meals, mental health counselling, shelter, family violence support, and much more.

    Find support services

    CATSINaM SPONSORS Aboriginal Nurses Day in Dubbo

    On the 8th of November, CATSINaM supported the Aboriginal Nurses Day in Dubbo. The event was hosted by Quality, Clinical Safety and Nursing Directorate, Western NSW Local Health District. Thank you to Mandy Debenham for the photos.

    Sharing news and knowledge from CATSINaM Members and Partners

    Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (DOHAC)
    • Key message from Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer: November edition “As the holiday season is fast-approaching, and many of us will be heading overseas, I encourage you to add travel vaccinations to yours and your patients’ travel checklists. As the body needs time to build up immunity, now is the time to book in travel vaccinations for the best protection.” Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Professor (Practice) Alison J McMillan PSM.
    • Collaborative Arrangements 2023 Project
      • This project aims to remove the legislative need for collaborative arrangements between participating midwives, nurse practitioners and medical practitioners to provide Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) services and prescribe Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) medications.
      • Removing the legislative need for collaborative arrangements will:
        • remove barriers to care provided by nurse practitioners and participating midwives, particularly in rural and remote areas where there is a smaller healthcare workforce and are challenges attracting and retaining GPs.
        • provide nurse practitioners and participating midwives more autonomy in their scope of practice.
        • increase use of participating midwives in First Nations settings.
        • support our goal of health care professionals being able to work to their full scope of practice.
      • A webpage containing key project information is now available at Collaborative Arrangements 2023 Project . Future updates will also be published to the page.
    DOHAC Aged Care Updates November 2023.

    Announcement of interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner

    Ms Andrea Kelly has been named as the interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner. The interim Commissioner will be engaging with First Nations communities and stakeholders on the design and functions of a permanent Commissioner role, including where it is located.

    DOHAC EngAged December 2023

    A newsletter for people who care about ageing and aged care

    Health updates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

    In this edition you fill find out all about:

    National Immunisation Program:

    Shingrix vaccination available from November 1, 2023 a joint venture of Australian and State & Territory governments.

    The Lowitja Institute

    Congratulations to former CATSINAM CEO and Adjunct Professor Janine Mohamed.

    Janine was recently awarded the Victorian recipient of the Australian of the Year Award for her leadership in championing Blak excellence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and culturally safe healthcare. In her words, “Racism steals us of the amazing opportunity to value and celebrate 60,000 years of the world’s oldest living continuous culture.

    Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) 

    The Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) invites Australian Primary Health Care (PHC) nurses and midwives to participate in their annual national PHC nursing and midwifery workforce survey.

    Nurse & Midwife Support_Advice on Health and Well-being  

    As a new nurse or midwife, you will be exposed to stressful experiences. Establishing self-care practices and proactive coping skills early in your career may help you maintain good health and resilience. Here are some tips for you to try. 

    If you need advice about self-care and maintaining your health and wellbeing, give Nurse & Midwife Support a call on the national 24/7 service on 1800 667 877. Check this resource out and let us know how useful it was for you by emailing (subject: N&M support).  

    Reconciliation Australia

    The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will – and must – continue.

    Virtual International Day of the Midwife 2024 (VIDM)

    Submit your presentation or poster proposal for Virtual International Day of the Midwife 2024 (VIDM)

    Virtual International Day of the Midwife (VIDM) is a 24-hour free online conference dor midwives and anyone interested in childbirth. This year’s theme is Sustainable Midwifery: Caring for Tomorrow’s World. VIDM wants to hear from you! Submit presentations or posters with stories, research, clinical practice, activism, public policy, and midwifery education examples from the perspective of clinicians, researchers, activists, students, and teachers. Presentations and posters in all languages are encouraged. 

    Heart Foundation

    MyHeart MyLife online peer support community campaign

    Implementation of the Australian Cancer Plan (watch video)

    The Plan, available at, is a once in a generation reform opportunity to deliver world class cancer outcomes and experiences for all Australians affected by cancer—irrespective of their background or location.

    To succeed in this vision, implementation of the Australian Cancer Plan is a shared responsibility. The Plan was developed through an extensive whole-of-sector stakeholder engagement process and we are optimistic that it will guide decision-making across the cancer control sector over the next 10 years.

    Have Your Say - Consultation and Engagement Opportunities for CATSINaM Members

    National Women’s Health Strategy 2020-2030

    EOI to participate in a focus group for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives

    The National Women’s Health Strategy 2020 – 2030 aims to drive continuing improvement in the health and well-being of all women in Australia, particularly those at greatest risk of poor health. It identifies specific actions to address the health issues that affect women and girls throughout their lives and aims to reduce inequities in health outcomes between men and women and between sub-population groups of women and girls.

    The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care has engaged Deloitte Access Economics to develop a monitoring and reporting framework to evaluate the implementation and outcomes of the National Women’s Health Strategy 2020-30 (the Strategy). Deloitte Access Economics is conducting targeted consultations with key stakeholders in women’s health in Australia across January and February 2024 to gather insights for reporting and specifically seek to identify awareness levels of the Strategy and understand the extent to which actions in the Strategy have been implemented.

    Join the focus group with Deloitte Access Economics on:

    • Date: Tuesday, 13 February
    • Time: 1:30 pm (AEST) via Microsoft Teams (to be advised)
    • Deloitte will provide a detailed consultation guide before the focus group.
    • Please contact Stacie Murphy at to express an interest in participating in this event by Monday 22nd January 2024
    Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (DOHAC) Consultation on the draft new Aged Care Act

    Australia’s aged care laws are changing to put the rights and needs of older people first.

    A new Aged Care Act is being introduced. It will change the ways aged care services are delivered to older people in their homes, in community settings and in residential aged care.

    We are seeking feedback on the draft new Aged Care Act. Read the consultation paper and have your say.

    DOHAC Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Division EOI Scope of Practice Review
    An Expression of Interest EOI is now open for the Scope of Practice Review, National Roadshow Round Tables which are scheduled to be held in capital cities across the country during February 2024. You can find out more about the Roadshow at this website, and register your interest for a session. Please note:
  • This EOI will be used to guide planning of the February Roadshow, it is not a formal registration of your attendance.
  • The portal for formal registration of attendance will open in January, in the week commencing 8 January.
  • Closing date will be the week of 8 January 2024.
  • If you have difficulty registering your interest please contact and refer to the Scope of Practice Review EOI.
    Perinatal Mental Health Week Survey 

    Thank you all for your wonderful efforts on bringing our Perinatal Mental Health Week to life this year. Results were emailed through last week, however just in case you missed it, our total reach was over $75mil. We would love your feedback on this year’s Perinatal Mental Health Week campaign. You can complete a 2-5min survey here. 

     Any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out & feel free to look through the  launch event photos here.  Alicia Yelavich, Campaign Director E: 

    Employment Opportunities

    Looking for work? Need a new employee? – Check out IndigenousX 

    CATSINaM is referring all employment opportunities for nurses and midwives to IndigenousX.

    IndigenousX is 100% Indigenous owned and operated and has grown to become one of Australia’s most trusted and respected Indigenous media platforms. Their new and improved jobs board is a great way to find and promote job opportunities.

    Advertise a job or search for work opportunities by going to

    Scholarships & Education

    Micro training course: Culturally inclusive service delivery.

    Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing has launched a free online training course for people who work in aged care. The Culturally Inclusive Service Delivery course focuses on how we can better care for our Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) elderly clients.The 3 modules are an informative, short and fun way to learn more about best practice in multicultural care. The training focuses on culture, effective communication and how celebrating differences can improve person-centred care for all.This training may assist aged care providers to meet aged care quality standards. The training is part of the new CALDWAYS 23-24 training course series.Register now.

    PhD Project seeking registered nurses with no more than 2-years postgraduate experience for research. 
    If you are a registered nurse with up to 2 years postgraduate experience, I would like to interview you to ask about your pre-service (i.e., undergraduate) education on child protection and mandatory reporting and your attitudes and ideas around these topics.  You DO NOT need to have any experience or education of child protection/mandatory reporting to participate in this study.  To be eligible to participate, you must: 
    • Be a registered nurse with no more than 2 years postgraduate experience; 
    • Have attained your Bachelor of Nursing (or equivalent) at an Australian university; and 
    • Be willing to participate in an interview (in person or via teleconferencing) of about 60 minutes’ duration. 
    For further information about this study, please contact the lead researcher (Sarah Stenson) via email at 
    Uncovering Adult Literacy & Numeracy Needs in Australia: A Comprehensive National Study 2023. 

    Thank you to those who supported this project through responding to the survey for First Nations Training Providers or Community Agencies and the sharing of your valuable insights.  

    As one of the respondents from a First Nations community organisation said,  “People are missing out on important information. Literacy is a real obstacle to anything, filling in any sort of form – like housing. It’s a massive burden on staff to unravel those bureaucratic processes. They can’t access the things they need without support.”  

    We heard that supporting people to do this is time consuming, is often unrecognised and unfunded, and has implications for community organisations and their workers.    

    The research surveyed, or conducted focus groups, with nearly five hundred training providers, community organisations, libraries and First Nations organisations about the adult literacy needs and barriers they see. 

    CATSINaM Student Members are you looking for Clinical Placement Support? 

    Northern Territory Primary Health Networks (NT PHN) grant for remote NT Student Placement.  NT PHN are offering remote NT clinical placement grants through CRANAplus.  

    Allied health, nursing and midwifery, and medical students living in the Northern Territory or Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health students across Australia are eligible to apply. 

    Round 2, 2023 – Open 1July – 31 December 2023. More info and how to apply can be found here: 

    Birthing on Country/iSISTAQUIT funds the Southern Cross University to provide Indigenous Honours scholarship and Midwifery bursary – OPEN until February 2024

    “I  was really interested in studying midwifery and found there is a big hole in the workforce for Aboriginal midwives. I looked into the statistics for Indigenous women and children and how a big part of improving those outcomes is increasing the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander midwives,” Ms Taneeka Hyatt said. 

    First Nations midwifery students and graduates are being encouraged to apply for a range of Southern Cross University scholarships and bursaries totalling $60,000. The scholarships and bursaries include:
  • 2 x Birthing on Country Honours Scholarships worth $10,000 each.
  • Several Birthing on Country Placement Bursaries worth $2,500 each.
  • The scholarships will support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Bachelor of Midwifery graduates to complete an Honours program through the Bachelor of Health and Human Sciences (Honours) at the Gold Coast or Coffs Harbour campus. Applications close on 1 February 2024. For eligibility criteria and to apply, visit
    Aboriginal Undergraduate Scholarships
    • Scholarships of $1,000 per subject are available for Aboriginal students undertaking a Bachelor of Nursing or Bachelor of Midwifery. 
    • Aboriginal Enrolled Nurse to Registered Nurse Scholarships Scholarships of up to $15,000 are available for Aboriginal students with a Diploma of Nursing qualification undertaking a Bachelor of Nursing.
    • Aboriginal Postgraduate Scholarships If you’re an Aboriginal person currently working as a registered nurse or registered midwife in the NSW public health system, a postgraduate scholarship of up to $10,000 is available to support your postgraduate study and help with educational expenses.

    The formal scholarship applications portal on their website opens 11th December 2023 and closes 4th February 2024, however they are more than happy to accept manual applications all year round. Enquiries on how to submit a manual application can be made to

    2024 SA Health Aboriginal Health Scholarship Program

    The 2024 SA Health Aboriginal Health Scholarship Program is now open for applications until 29 February 2024.

    The program supports students studying towards a health qualification at a degree level (or higher). Scholarships are awarded in partnership with Australian Rotary Health.

    To be eligible, applicants must identify as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent; be undertaking or enrolled in an appropriate approved degree level course; and be a resident of South Australia for more than 12 months.

    To apply, visit the SA Health Careers application page 

    Further information can be found on the SA Health website

    Enquiries to:

    Events - Conferences

    National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Eye Health Conference (NATSIEHC24): Nipaluna country (Hobart, Tasmania) from Wednesday 22 to Friday 24 May 2024. 

    For more information about NATSIEHC24, including early bird registration, abstract submission, bursaries information, please see here. Please reach out to Indigenous Eye Health Unit at the University of Melbourne for any queries: 

    Aotearoa (New Zealand) and the Asia Pacific- the 15th Australasian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion: 11-13 Mar 2024.

    Conference with the theme: Weaving knowledges for injury prevention and safety promotion; creating a new way together.   Abstracts are now open for submission and have been extended until 27th October (Please contact me directly if you need extra time). Website:

    Venue: Sir Morrison Howard Centre in Rotorua, Aotearoa New Zealand

    Sponsorship Opportunities: There are a range of other ways you can be involved from sponsoring the event to having an exhibition booth onsite. I have attached the sponsorship and exhibition prospectus for your perusal. We are offering a range of sponsorship options and would be happy to work with you to create a package that meets your needs and budget, should there not be one listed that suits. Our team is committed to ensuring that your investment in the event provides you with maximum value and exposure. 

    Contact: Dr Julieann Coombes, The George Institute for Global Health
    T +61 2 8052 4394

    We look forward to your feedback and queries. Please email us at: or follow our social media platforms.

    Thank you 
    CATSINaM Secretariat

    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images, videos, voices and names of people who have since passed away.