Ali Drummond

Media Release

3 May 2023


The Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM) today welcomed Dr Ali Drummond, a Meriam and Erubam man of Zenadh Kes (Torres Straits) and Wuthathi man from far north Queensland as the new Chief Executive Officer.

A highly experienced leader in the sector, Dr Drummond has more than two decades of professional experience in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, clinical practice, policy, research, and teaching and learning.

President of CATSINaM, Bundjalung woman Marni Tuala said she was delighted to officially welcome Dr Drummond on behalf of the Board, following six months serving as Acting CEO.

“In addition to an innovative mindset and transformational leadership style, Ali brings CATSINaM a wealth of expertise from clinical nursing practice, education and policy underpinned by Indigenous knowledge and methodologies” she said.

“Throughout his career, Ali has continued to focus on health workforce development to ensure a culturally safe health system. For several years, he has also innovated nursing education in his role with Queensland University of Technology (QUT’s) School of Nursing and as inaugural co-Director of Indigenous Health within QUT’s Faculty of Health.”

Dr Drummond said he was looking forward to a continued collaboration with the President and the Board, and leading a dedicated team at CATSINaM.

“I am honoured to have the opportunity to lead an incredible team alongside a committed Board in the role as CEO for the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander Nurses and Midwives,” he said.

“During my time as Acting CEO, the team has demonstrated a collective tenacity, professionalism and belief in the significance of our work, asserting the true value of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses, midwives and students.”

Dr Drummond’s lived experience as an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurse, together with his research into understanding the many barriers preventing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people working in and accessing the health system, provide him with unique experience, ideas and passion to continue to position CATSINaM as the national voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives.

“As CEO, my priority will be to continue the growth and support of the workforce and create more professional development opportunities for CATSINaM members” he said.

Dr Drummond is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, an active member of CATSINaM and the Torres Strait Islander Nurses Indigenous Corporation, and the Lowitja Institute Research Committee Chairperson.

He holds a Bachelor of Nursing Science and a Master of International Public Health. His recent PhD research critically examines how Australian nursing academics collaborate with Indigenous peoples in developing, delivering and evaluating nursing curricula concerning Indigenous peoples’ health and wellbeing.

Dr Drummond has developed an intimate understanding of the enablers of Indigenous student and staff support and success in nursing education and, more broadly. You can learn more about his research expertise by visiting ORCID.

Dr Drummond succeeds Professor Roianne West, who served as CEO at CATSINaM from 2019 – 2022.

For more information or to arrange an interview, please email or contact Senior Project Officer – Marketing and Communication, Amy Hofman on +61 2 5117 3026

Kind regards CATSINaM Secretariat

For 25 years, the Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives (CATSINaM) has acted as the national peak professional organisation representing the collective voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nurses and midwives in Australia. CATSINaM is a not-for-profit Aboriginal community-controlled organisation.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be aware that this website may contain images, videos, voices and names of people who have since passed away.